First up: Diego Saldivar. Better knwon for neurogamedev.com He is one of the few who dare to experiment with NextGen(NextGen) or NextGen². What that means is: We’re looking into Games getting into the VR space and hopeing VR will hit the mass markets. Diego already develops for the generation afterwards. Exciting? Exiting! Remark my words. This is bigger than many would think.

Lars Grevsmühl and Marcel Zurwaka just started in 2020 with their studio Irox Games.
Being nomiated for “best newcomer” by the DCP (Deutscher Computerspiel Preis) for “Thief of Smiles” they are now focused on “EcoGnomix”
Check out: irox-games.com
and the game:
EcoGnomix on Steam!

Connor Leahy. The man who decided to reverse-engineer GPT-2 when the people at OpenAI said it was to dangerous. Now chatGPT and Edge are using GPT-4 and the world still works.
Cojecture is hsi new project of which he is Co-founder. Check them out conjecture.dev

DANIEL HOOK In case you want to learn about pyhsics in video games – hold on to your engines: sunija.com is a place where you can find some good resources.

You are into shaders, hm? Alex of lexdev.net will help you to get started with DirectX. Many people need to be listed but sadly they either got no website – yet – or the projects are not public – yet.